ACEA è una delle principali multiutility italiane. Quotata in Borsa nel 1999, è attiva nella gestione e nello sviluppo di reti e servizi nei business dell’acqua, dell’energia e dell’ambiente. ACEA è il primo operatore nazionale nel settore idrico con circa 9 milioni di abitanti serviti nel Lazio, Toscana, Umbria, Molise e Campania. Nel Piano Industriale 2020-2024 il Gruppo Acea ha previsto 4.7 miliardi di investimenti, di cui oltre 2 miliardi correlati a specifici target di sostenibilità.
ACEA is one of the leading Italian multiutility operators. Listed on the Italian Stock Exchange since 1999, the company manages and develops water and electricity networks and environmental services. ACEA is the foremost Italian operator in the water services sector supplying 9 million inhabitants in Lazio, Tuscany, Umbria, Molise, Campania. In its 2020-2024 Business Plan the Company has foreseen 4.7 billion Euro of investments, of which over 2 billion related to specific sustainability targets.
ACEA is one of the leading Italian multiutility operators. Listed on the Italian Stock Exchange since 1999, the company manages and develops water and electricity networks and environmental services. ACEA is the foremost Italian operator in the water services sector supplying 9 million inhabitants in Lazio, Tuscany, Umbria, Molise, Campania. In its 2020-2024 Business Plan the Company has foreseen 4.7 billion Euro of investments, of which over 2 billion related to specific sustainability targets.
Thematic walk