SRA MicroGC – series R

SRA MicroGC – series R



SRA microgascromatographs are industrial analyzers ideal for continuous analysis and process measurements. All models incorporate technological details that give the analysis system robustness and flexibility, making them particularly suitable for installations in remote locations, where continuous measurement of the gas composition is required. SRA has invested in the certification of its products; in particular, the ISO9001 certification was extended to Legal Metrology for the production, repair and quality management of devices for the fiscal measurement of the calorific value in combustible gases. The technical specifications of the SRA analyzers meet the requirements of the guidelines of the OIML-R140 standard for fiscal metrology for the determination of the calorific value of biomethane. The analysis includes the measurement of all gas components and impurities (including H2S and COS), in less than 5 minutes. Additional compounds that can be monitored include odorants and terpenes / ketones. Metrological certification is currently underway by the LNE (National Laboratory of Tests) according to the international recommendation OIML R140: 2007 (OIML = International Organization of Legal Metrology) for the new MicroGC R990M model.

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