Who we are

Who we are

Who we are
Who we are


The energy and climate challenge is huge, Eco-Tech Ceram is ready to play an important role by offering innovative, sustainable and cost-effective solutions. It is able to address one of the main challenges facing industry today: reducing energy consumption while improving competitiveness and reducing the carbon footprint. Eco-Tech Ceram is an industrial thermal engineering company experienced in heat waste recovery, assisting manufacturers in their transition to carbon-free energy. In industry, more than 50% of energy is consumed in the form of heat and more than one third of the energy consumed is lost in the form of heat (the equivalent of 2450 Mt CO2 per year). Eco-Tech Ceram therefore decided to provide technical and financial solutions for the recovery of these energy deposits. In particular, it has developed the Eco-Stock® solution, which enables lost energy to be captured, stored and valorised.
Innovazione tecnologica
Recovery and enhancement of industrial production waste

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